Lo-Fi Stellar Skirmish
A downloadable asset pack
Lo-Fi Stellar Skirmish is a pack of pixel art spaceships perfect for creating any kind of top down star-faring adventure. The initital pack includes 15 unique ships, 9 unique powerup icons and 8 FX assets, 6 of which are animated.
Lo Fi Stellar Skirmish is provided with a CC0-1.0 license.
***The animated Thruster FX are provided separate from the ships, allowing you to mix and match thruster combinations!***
***This package includes PaletteSwapper, a tool you can use to export your own unique variations of these sprites, Perfect for customizing the assets for your own project.***
***Update 1.1 added controller UI elements and a new fleet - of space bugs!***
***Update 1.2 added UI Layout Elements and 4 unique portraits, alongside a pixellated font!***
***The sprites in this package range from a resolution of 8x8 to 32x32. Animated FX are provided in a single strip atlas***
***Animated FX have Animation Controllers and Animation files showing intended usage***
***The package includes a scene that contains every asset (including individual frames)***
***The package also contains a 3 demo scenes that contain intended usage of all of the assets - Ship+Thruster combinations, prebuilt prefabs for every usage and UI components to test the examples.***
Click download now to get access to the following files: